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Golden Years Society offers a variety of activities to our members each month – everything from arts and crafts, special outings, drop-in coffee time and lunch get-togethers, active living, health and wellness – there is always something to keep older adults in our community active and engaged.

Regularly Scheduled Monthly Activities



Euchre is a trick taking card game with a trump.

All level of skill welcome!

Feel free to come join the game or show up to learn how.

1:00 pm 

Crib Night

Join one of our weekly crib games – from competitive to beginner levels –

all are welcome! Crib is open September - June (No activity July & August).

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Walk the Island

Sponsored by:

AHS Logo.png

A social walking club on the indoor track at MacDonald Island Park.

Coffee available at The Second Cup at a reduced price for seniors.

9:30 am


Luncheon & Bingo

Lunches are for members only on Wednesdays.

Due to limited seating, registration must be done in advance no later than Monday prior to the Wednesday lunch and prepaid in advance.

50/50 tickets are sold prior to lunch.

Bingo follows lunch each week, Bingo cards are $1.00 per sheet

  11:30-2:00 pm

Floor Curling

Floor Curling takes place at GYS.

Call the office to sign up and join a team!

2:15 pm

Bocce Ball

July and August - only (Outdoors)

Join us for this fun game, competing against other teams.

6:30 pm


Walk the Island

Sponsored by:

AHS Logo.png

A social walking club on the indoor track at MacDonald Island Park.

Coffee available at The Second Cup at a reduced price for seniors.

9:30 am


In-House Coffee

Join us for our weekly social and coffee connection! Light breakfast provided.

10:00 am


GYS Singers

Our GYS Singers meet every Saturday and welcome new singers to join.

Want to be a part of the GYS group? – Just show up at 10:30 on Saturdays!

Our singers perform throughout the year at  various GYS events  that take place at the Centre.

10:30 am


No events scheduled

Other Events

Craft Days

Please refer to our monthly calendar for more details on craft activities being offered each month. Registration is required.


Bowling is offered at different times throughout the year as sponsors become available .  Registration is required and there is a cost of $5/person to cover shoe rental.  Announcements regarding when bowling is available is announced at luncheons on Wednesday. Sign up sheets are available in the foyer or you can call the office at 780.743.4088 to inquire about availability. Bowling activities take place at The Alley (Downtown) and usually run for 1.5 hour sessions.

Throughout the year, we host several social events for Valentines,

St. Patricks, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas that include dinner and dances. They are well attended and enjoyed by all. 

Holiday Socials

Join us on a painting adventure for all skill levels!

Different paint mediums and techniques will be explored. 

All materials provided and there is no cost to participate.

Registration must be in advance by calling the office at 780.743.4088.

Paint Night


To register for our activities, members are encouraged to sign up in person using our weekly sign up sheets or by calling the office at 780.743.4088.


Activities are subject to change each month. Updates to regularly scheduled activities and special event details are included in our monthly newsletter.

Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you never miss a beat!

If you need assistance with transportation to our activities and social events,

please inquire about our bus by clicking the button above.

Activity Photos

Photos from some of our activities at Golden Years Society!

Stay in Touch!

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monthly newsletter, special event details and

special announcements.

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